LEM Meat grinder vs Cabelas Meat Grinder

The hunters always need meat grinders to prepare lean meat for different dishes; however, the debate between 2 different brands is obvious. LEM products & Cabela’s are two well-known brands in this sector; therefore, you must find out LEM meat grinder vs. Cabela’s meat grinder, which one is better?

I love experimenting with various branded electric items to find out their pros & cons; moreover, I can find out the best ones among all products in the marketplace. Anyway, I own meat grinders from both brands & trust me, they satisfied me with their performances.

Please read the article to know about both meat grinder companies, including their similarities & dissimilarities.

Yes, Best LEM Meat Grinder – Quick Comparison

LEM Meat Grinder vs. Cabela’s Meat Grinder: What Should I Choose?

Let’s find out the primary differences between the LEM products & Cabela’s meat grinder; you won’t find any significant one though.

1. First of all, you should know the company origins; for instance, you must know where did Cabela’s come from. The brand has been serving for decades (probably from the 1960s) but they started their journey as a parts manufacturer, not a grinder producer brand.

On the other hand, the LEM has started its journey in the late 20th century (nearly in 1991); the company has been manufacturing exclusive meat grinders from the beginning.

If you want to know who makes Cabela’s meat grinder, you should know the owner’s name but that is; on the other hand, the LEM brand’s founder is Larry Metz.

2. Cabela is reportedly related to other things like camping, fishing, & other outdoor activities whereas, its competitor LEM is dedicated to producing several models of meat grinders.

3. You can grind any meat (no matter what the animal is domestic or wild & what body part it is) in the LEM meat grinders, including the soft bones, seeds, nuts, etc. You may not have the same facilities with Cabala’s grinders; they are quite sensitive.

That’s why you should read the manual given by the manufacturers while putting raw or half-cooked or boiled meat into the grinder. The Cabela meat grinder may not allow hard raw meat grinding or other strong particles into it.

4. The LEM products are slightly costly, but the regular users find them worth it because the items are quite user-friendly & durable, especially more than the other branded meat grinders.

On the other hand, Cabela meat grinders are available at a reasonable & affordable rate; therefore, you can buy them if you have a limited budget for buying meat grinders.

5. If you talk about using a meat grinder for versatile purposes, you should keep the LEM meat grinder slightly ahead because you can prepare ground meat for different dishes, such as sausages, meatballs, steaks, burgers, kebabs, etc.

The reason behind it is the meat grinder comes with various attachments, increasing its price; on the other hand, you have to purchase extra attachments if you want to prepare the same food items with Cabela’s.

6. Another thing you can identify is the difference between the attachments; for instance, the Cabela meat grinders may come with a few attachments, but all of them are perfect in size.

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On the other hand, some LEM grinder’s attachments are not perfect, especially the tube feeds are smaller than it’s needed in proportion.

7. Suppose your grinder is fine, but an attachment is somehow broken or damaged; what will you do? You can easily replace the damaged items with another fresh one, especially if you’re using the LEM products.

On the other hand, you can’t easily replace the items of Cabela because they are not usually compatible with other brands, but LEM meat grinding products can provide you with such comforts.

These were the noticeable differences between LEM & Cabela meat grinders, but there must be some similarities between these two brands; what are they?

  1. Both companies produce heavy-duty & durable machines; they are mostly made of stainless steel & the blades and plates are strong enough to grind meat. The heavy-duty machine’s power is often measured in Horse Power; both brands offer high-quality grinding machines.
  2. The LEM & Cabela’s meat grinder performs well & deliver the ground meat very fast; the motor & other attachments in both companies have secured the leading positions.
  3. The two brands offer you satisfactory warranty periods with some excellent schemes & exchange offers; the time limit of both brand’s warranty is 4-5 years.
  4. The machines from these well-known brands are well-engineered & organized because the best utilization of a grinder depends on how well organized its parts are.
  5. Moreover, both brands are serving people with excellent customer services; that’s why these two have always been favorites of customers.

However, now the confusion starts with Cabela’s or LEM meat grinder which you should choose; please remember that every brand is good & has some specifications in the models or products.

Moreover, which will you tag the best electric meat grinder depends on your necessity, experience, & the way you are using it. Different customers have various experiences while using the same electric meat grinder models; on the other hand, if you clean & maintain them properly, the attachments will last longer than others.

What Are the Best Meat Grinders from the LEM & Cabela Brand?

The LEM meat grinders are different from others & the major parts or models are:

  1. The LEM Dual Meat Grinder (model numbers & horsepower differentiates)
  2. The Big Bite LEM Meat Grinder (with different model numbers & battery powers)

 Some best-selling meat grinders from the LEM brands are:

  1. Big bite Meat Grinder 22- 1HP
  2. Dual Meat Grinder 8 Big Bite- 0.5 HP.

Another company Cabela offers you some long-lasting models; they are:

  1. Cabela’s Commercial Carnivore Meat Grinder (0.75Hp)
  2. Cabela’s Commercial Grade Meat Grinder (1Hp)
  3. Cabela’s Heavy-duty Meat Grinder

You can choose these products to keep in your kitchen; I hope they won’t disappoint you.

Would You Like to Know about LEM vs. Weston Meat Grinder Debate?

Weston has been a meat grinder manufacturing brand like the LEM & Cabela; therefore, many people prefer using the models, but which one is better?

However, let’s have a brief discussion over it; I hope you can determine yourself the best one:

  • LEM delivers you a heavy-duty machine whereas, the Weston brand is more likely an electric grinder producer, making it suitable for a home environment. On the other hand, you can buy a LEM meat grinder for a commercial purpose, but it will cost slightly more.
  • You won’t face any problem with handling the attachments like LEM; for instance, the feeding tubes of Weston meat grinders are quite larger than those of the LEM.
  • The LEM big bite models may contain different attachments, but they don’t provide the users with the reverse action; on the other hand, the Weston meat grinders have a different feature called reverse function.
  • The LEM grinders often allow you to grind light & soft bones in them, such as rabbits, chickens, & ducks; on the other hand, maximum models of the Weston don’t let you grind any sort of bones because the machines can’t take the load.
Read Also  Top 10 Best Meat Grinder For Bones

Within tons of dissimilarities, there is one similarity between both branded meat grinder, & that is the warranty period; the LEM & Weston meat grinders provide the customers a 2-years warranty mostly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Cabela’s Meat Grinders Any Good?

If you have a question about is Cabela’s meat grinder any good then let me assure you that it one of the best heavy-duty meat grinders on the market today. It provides durability, stability, and most importantly this kitchen cookware is very reliable.

Moreover, the cookware has a large capacity so you can grind more meat. Another thing is that it is very smooth and quiet even with a 0.5 HP induction motor.

What Size Meat Grinder Do I need?

What size meat grinder you need depends on how much meat you grind on a regular basis or when you grind. Bigger grinders will have a larger feeding tube so that you can put more meat to grind. Moreover, larger tubes allow you to directly put the uncut meat in the grinder whereas, for a smaller tube, you will have cut the meat to fit.

Should I buy a meat grinder?

You will have to buy your meat grinder if you want to process the meat by yourself. Although there is a specific reason for you to personally have a grinder at home having it can make grinding much easier than running to the butcher every time you want to make a burger.

Moreover, with a meat grinder, you can grind meat instantly in just 2 to 3 minutes.

Conclusion of Lem meat Grinder vs Cabelas

A meat grinder is an essential item that your kitchen should have no matter whether your purpose is personal or commercial; therefore, you are supposed to select the best option for yourself.

You should ask yourself some questions before coming to a decision; moreover, you should know the differences of various manufacturing companies, such as LEM meat grinder vs. Cabela’s meat grinder.

Please pick the best quality raw ingredients, besides a high-quality meat grinder to prepare your desired dishes; however, best of luck with your preparation.
