How to Use a Manual Meat Grinder

When it comes to meat grinding, you have two options to choose from either electric or manual meat grinders. Our interest here is how to use a manual meat grinder.

Usually, manual meat grinders consist of a handle used to move the auger for effective grinding of meat.

From the experts, manual meat grinders provide a way of ensuring quality when preparing your favorite food. The tool turns out tasty and freshly ground meat to a delicious meal.

Therefore, for effective use of your grinder, you only need to follow the following steps carefully.

See Great Manual Meat Grinder

Steps by Step Guide How to Use a Manual Meat Grinder

Step 1:

This is the first step when using your meat grinder. To begin with, using a built-in clam or bolts, place your meat grinder onto the stable surface.

Make sure that you have a rocked back installed grinder so that to wind the mills crank to avoid wobbling of the grinder.

Step 2:

At this stage, trim excess fats, cartilage, and tendon from the meat that you are intending to grind before cutting them into small pieces that can fit correctly to the opening of your meat grinder used.

Do you know why it is necessary to remove tendon and fat from your meat before cutting? It is simple, the excess tendon and fat usually clog on the walls of your meat grinder.

It is good to remove them so that to avoid any stress of washing your grinder now and again.

Step 3:

Once you have prepared your pieces of meat, put the meat into the fridge or a freezer, and wait for it to get cold completely. Making it cold will enable it to maintain the shape of the meat while it is in the grinder.

Besides, cold meat holds the heat generated through friction from the fats of melting flesh.

Step 4:

At this step, you need to grab a large bowl that is clean from the freezer and immediately put it at the bottom exit end of your grinder for catching the ground meat. For every stage, make the meat cold to prevent the chances of any bacteria that may occur in the process.

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Step 5:

slowly and then steady motion, turn on a hand crank on the other side of the grinder as you put the first piece of your meat close to the mouth of your blender. Next, give the blades of the grinder enough time to push your meat near to the mill.

However, as you are doing this, ensure that you are not pushing it below the cavity using your pair finger since they are very sharp and may cut your hands thoroughly.

Step 6:

Once the final meat goes through your grinder, grab one or two slices of your bread and run it via the meat grinder so that to clean out all the remnants of some bits.

When your grinder is clean, select the remained pieces of the bread from your grinder as you discard everything immediately.

Step 7:

When you finish grinding your meat, it is advisable to dismantle the parts of your meat grinder and do some separate cleaning so that it becomes ready for the next use.

Tips to consider when using the manual meat grinder

Before using your manual meat grinder, make sure you read carefully from the manufacturer on how you can disassemble and clean your grinder effectively.

Besides, the guide elaborates on how you can sterilize your grinder thoroughly for their uses. Most of the mills feature different for more excellent cuts and chunkier.

Additionally, you may get readily available attachments, which may significantly capture the ground meat using a casing specifically for sausage. Meat grinders also can multi-task in grinding fruits, vegetables as well as many other types of meats. Therefore, you can grind finely ground vegetables and fruits for baby food using a clean manual meat grinder.

Note that when you are using the manual meat grinder, avoid placing your fingers close to the blades of your blender since the blades are very sharp and might cut your hands away.

Therefore while using your manual meat grinder ensure the following;

  • Make sure you cut your meat correctly so that you avoid the possibility of your grinder from blocking.
  • Always remember to sharpen the blades of your grinder anytime required so that you can significantly improve the performance of your grinder as well as making the entire process reduce the time taken.
  • Avoid using the dishwasher in cleaning your manual meat grinder since it may damage the crucial parts of the grinder. Instead, you can clean your grinder manually.
  • Ensure keeping the meat grinder into the fridge or freezer for some hours so that to minimize excess heat produced during the grinding process.
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The above tips are very crucial to follow when it comes to the manual meat grinder. Besides, if you want to obtain optimal results from this manual meat grinder reviews, make sure that you maintain regular cleaning, maintenance as well as proper storage of your grinder after use.

Therefore, it is good to remember that regular cleaning requires less time but provides a fresh and delicious meal without any bacteria.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are manual meat grinders hard to use?

A: Sometimes, the most considerable strengths of this manual meat grinder are also the most significant weaknesses. Of course, the machine is cheap since it lacks a motor. It clearly shows that they are challenging to use, mainly when grinding too much meat.

Q: How do you store meat grinder parts?

A: It is simple, for proper storing of the disassembled parts, make sure that you identify the driest place that has no water ultimately. You can as well store them in your grinder if there is enough space. Usually, a freezer is the best place so that to prevent any rust and bacteria that may occur.

Q: How do you keep meat grinders from clogging?

A: You can achieve this by cutting your meat into small pieces to avoid taxing your meat grinder. You can as well grind frozen meat.


Now you have seen the steps involved in how to use a manual meat grinder. Usually, manual meat grinders require the user to follow the steps accurately, especially when handling the blades to avoid any injury which may occur.

Therefore, the machine is easily affordable, efficient, and convenient to use compared to that of electric grinders.
