How to Grind Meat in a Blender

Do you know how to grind meat in a blender? If yes, then you are lucky. However, you may not be familiar with grinding your meat using a blender. Usually, a blender is suitable for use in grinding both cooked and raw meat within no minute. Therefore, before you start grinding, make sure that you have a powerful blender.

A blender is one of the quickest appliances that is best used by many people in grinding their meat. There is a need, therefore, to learn how to use it in grinding and preparing your delicious meal. In this article, we are going to discuss the steps involved in grinding meat with a blender, as described below.

Guide on How to Grind your Meat Using a Blender

1. Begin by prepping your meat

Do you intend to grind raw meat? If yes, then you need to maintain the raw meat at a shallow temperature. Usually, low temperature is essential in the prevention of the growth of any bacteria on the surface of your meat, thus preventing it from penetrating the meat when you are grinding.

Therefore, before you begin the process, ensure the temperature of the meat is below 400 F to prevent such contamination of bacteria. This requires that you keep your meat in a bowl of the ice during the grinding process.

Once you have maintained and attained the temperature, you can now begin to cut your meat into small and uniform pieces. Ensure that the meat that you are chopping is not too large for hassle-free and smooth grinding.

2. Take small steps

Sometimes when it happens that you use your meat once for a while, then you are lucky, unlike when used regularly. When frequently used, it may shorten its life, making it unfit in the process of blending. A blender has a small motor than those of an electric grinder. Because of this little motor, the blender tends to be stuck and requires putting more effort during the grinding process.

Therefore, for you to avoid this, you need to grind only small portions of the meat. Fill the blender with small pieces of the meat as you set it to the cut mode and allow it to run for about 30 seconds. You can check for the consistency of your meat after 30 seconds. You keep on repeating the steps until you obtain your desired consistency.

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However, while grinding, avoid running the blender above 40 seconds in just a single go since this may overheat your blender, thus making it worse to use for the next use when the need arises. Therefore, depending on your consistency, the ground meat that you desire, make sure to run your blender less or more times.

In case you want to get a rough texture for making sausage, you need to give your meat a few rounds of grinding to achieve it. But, if you’re going to make food for baby or puree, then you need to hold on to some little patience as you repeat the entire process many times before achieving the results that you want.

Importance of grinding your meat in a blender

Let us look below are some of the reasons why you should grind your meat using a blender.

1. Cost-effective

Grinding meat using a blender is merely accessible as compared to those found in supermarkets and stores. The ground meat is costly since you need to pay the cost for the butchers, packaging plus to pay the people who are stocking on the shelves. Therefore, to cut all such expenses, it is good to purchase a blender, which is the most cost-effective.

2. Health

You may not know the exact time the ground meat has stayed in the supermarket. Besides, the more they remain in the supermarket, the more bacteria they attract. When you purchase the meat from the butcher, it is safe to grind and consume it immediately when fresh hence reducing the risk of getting bad meat.

Alternatively, to be on the safest side, you can purchase the meat and immediately put it into your freezer. This one is useful since you can get it anytime whenever you need it.

3. Appearance

It is true to say that grinding meat using a blender is the best since you can retain the red-pink color while grinding that sear to brown entirely while cooking. When you compare the beef, you make in a blender with that which you purchase, and you can see a massive difference in terms of their appearance.

4. Taste

Sometimes, the ground meat that you get from the stores may not have the taste that you want. Of course, we all understand that pepper and salt are the best in seasoning the meat. There is a small taste they lack, especially when you obtain from the supermarket. Therefore, using the blender, you can easily control the taste more, so when you grind it immediately, you purchase them.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the difference between a blender and a food processor?

A: A blender is suitable and best for liquids and useful in creating things like protein shakes and smoothies.  On the other hand, a food processor is helpful in labor-intensive activities like slicing vegetables and mixing of the dough.

Q: What can a food processor do that a blender cannot?

A: Unlike the blenders that come with one attachment of blade only, food processors usually come with large attachments of modules capable of performing all types of tasks available such as slicing, chopping, mixing, and shredding, among many more.

Q: Can I use a mixer instead of a blender?

A: Of course, yes. You can use a hand mixer like just a hand blender; however, a mixer does a lot of tasks that a blender will not. Mainly, mixers are best in activities like baking, whip egg to white, pudding, and the rest.


In a nutshell, the question of how to grind meat in a grinder is no more. I hope you have gotten all the necessary information you wanted that will enable you to prepare delicious meat for your family and friend. However, due to the small size of the blender, make sure that you cut your meat into small pieces.
